Tätigkeitsbereich:IT / TelekommunikationFachabteilung:HR BP MBTM MalaysiaGesellschaft:Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Sdn.
Bhd.Standort:Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Sdn.
Bhd., Kuala LumpurStartdatum:..5Veröffentlichungsdatum:..4Stellennummer:MER3FTXArbeitszeit:Vollzeit BewerbenAufgabenAbout UsAt Mercedes-Benz, we don't just build cars, we create great software.We develop tomorrow's mobility together in our product lines, pushing the digitization of the Mercedes-Benz Group AG forward.
As a tech company, we are agile, innovative and always keep our finger on the pulse of change.
This is why inner source, FOSS, secure code, DevOps, infrastructure as code (IaC), data analytics, artificial intelligence and many more are core components of our daily work.IT is our passion, and we move towards a bright future, sometimes quickly, sometimes creatively – but always together.
We believe in integrity, trust and transparency as part of our flexible work culture and a strong emphasis on team work and the learning process, making mistakes and achieving continuous progress together in all products we create and develop within the Mercedes-Benz Group.Our workplace is anywhere* with a fast connection either remotely at home, at your favorite café or at our integrated office at Wisma Mercedes-Benz that comes with an LRT station at its doorstep, our al fresco cafeteria, ample greenspaces and free parking.Job Objectives• Ensuring the application/platform availability• Ensuring the operability of software by contributing operational expertise• Automation of (recurring) activities in the operation of applications/platforms.• Implementation of the paradigm "Everything as Code" according to software engineering patterns.• Identifying bottlenecks, e.g.
in dependencies on other teams, processes or systems and fix them (e.g.
through API instead of coordination).QualifikationenExperience • DevOps experience• Working with Cloud Services platform• Knowledge of web development technologies is definitely an added plus Specific knowledge/ Skill• Operates critical systems and is responsible for their operation.• Masters and implements solution and implementation alternatives (technologies and programming languages).• Abstracts technical relationships.• Designs and develops reliable and scalable products/platforms.• Advises customers and acquires projects.• Presents the designed and developed solutions and procedures at customer and expert level.
Responsibility and Scope for decision-making: • Designs the environment for the implementation of highly complex topics/projects/products.• Applies alternative solutions and courses of action.• Builds new teams and proactively organizes a harmonious and high-performance team.• Integrates the relevant experts independently and proactively across BU.• Helps shape the (agile) development procedure.• Acts with strategic and entrepreneurial vision.• Stands for "his/her" platform/application and can represent/present it.
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